YouTube Introduces an Ad-Free Classroom Experience

  • Ethan Miller Ethan Miller
  • Sep 21, 2022
YouTube Introduces an Ad-Free Classroom Experience

Education is the best investment. YouTube understands it well, being home to millions of educational projects, and it’s ready to facilitate it in many ways. On September 8, it announced the new YouTube Player for Education which will be ad-free and equipped with certain features that will be useful to educators.

The main requirement for an educational player is focusing. There should be no distraction factors, like ads, pop-up links, or recommendations on the video screen. The YouTube Player for Education will be as pure a player as possible. It will also be embeddable for external sites – for example, pages of the educators that provide the content and publish it there. Finally, YouTube will enable in-video quizzes, so teachers will be able to check the viewer’s knowledge.

When it comes to relationships with creators, which are crucial for YouTube as well as for any content provider, there are more special abilities. For example, they will have the ability to make their courses paid or free, while users will be able to purchase the access right within the YouTube app. The courses may also be organized right on YouTube channels. To start this educational initiative, YouTube partnered with EDpuzzle, Purdue University, and Purdue Global. There will be more partners to join the project after it starts in more countries after the USA and South Korea.

It's not the first time YouTube participates in educational initiatives on such a high level. It’s available through Google Classroom, an educational program with over 150M students, teachers, and educators participating. The new player will also be available within Google Classroom, making the experience even more focused.

If you are a student, a teacher, or a freelance lecturer, what do you think about YouTube Player for Education? Will it improve the educational process? Would you partner with YouTube to have it embedded on your website? We’d like to read your opinion in the comments!


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